The Essential Yoga Sutras

There are 196 sutras or statements that make up the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In this document The Essential Yoga Sutras (download pdf) I have listed only those sutras or statements that are practical and essential for meditators. For this purpose I have selected 74 sutras that are useful to the meditator on the path of internal research. Sincere seekers, who wish to unravel the greatest of all mysteries, the mind, can begin here.

I have chosen to translate or rather transliterate these chosen Yoga Sutras in a narrative form for different reasons. First and foremost being, the ease in reading of what is otherwise a difficult subject. Another factor that influenced me was the fact, that it seemed almost impossible to translate the Yoga Sutras in to pithy statements and yet make them comprehensible. The technical words used cannot be translated without explanation. And last but not the least, this is written with understanding that springs from direct experience and contemplation in the spirit of the living tradition of Samaya Srividya. Since this is not yet another academic and analytical commentary of the Yoga Sutras, I am exploring different ways to communicate the teachings to meditators and sincere seekers.

One-pointed mind and Non-attachment

For whom are The Essential Patanjali Yoga Sutras?

The Essential Patanjali Yoga Sutras are meant, neither for intellectuals, who wish to engage in debates nor for Sanskrit scholars, keen on discussing translations. These are also not meant for modern students of physical culture who learn the Yoga sutras by heart in order to get a certificate.

The Essential Patanjali Yoga Sutras are meant for sincere seekers who desire direct experience of Yoga as meditation and wish to use the Yoga Sutras, as taught by a living unbroken tradition of master meditators, as a tool to deepen their meditation practice.

How to use The Essential Patanjali Yoga Sutras?

Print out The Essential Patanjali Yoga Sutras and read it at night before you go to bed. Read it like you would read a story. It is okay if you do not understand everything. Continue reading. You do not have to read the entire text in one evening. When the mind tires, just go to bed. The text goes deep into the unconscious mind and is slowly integrated. The next evening, continue from where you left off. Read and re-read the text. With each reading it will unravel new mysteries and disclose its secrets. Reading and re-reading this text over years will provide increasingly deeper levels of insights.

Enjoy contemplating!




Adhikara: A Question of Qualification